Tag: Worldly
Friend or Enemy
Friend or Enemy
What an awesome season of time for the church. Many across this great country are leading prayer services with the focus on revival, and the great awakening coming to the church.
When I started this blog it was not my intention to be controversial. With that said, knowing me and my desire to get things right. I have from time to time addressed issues that have not been accurately represented.
Case in point was a blog I wrote on accepting accountability for the work you have been called to do. The blog was titled, You Have to be Kidding. You can find it on this site. Take a look when you get a chance.
Although my thoughts were not focused on any single individual. It must have hit home to some because I got un friended on Facebook.
Well, here we go again.
I have been seeing posts on social media about the enemy of the Gospel. I have, what I believe is a clear understanding of what this is. Most often when this term is used it is in combination with the world.
The world, in this understanding is used to point out unbelievers.
Most often when the Bible speaks about the world it is referring to ideology. Flesh driven principles that ignore Christ, and His mission to redeem all people.
Lifestyles that are driven by our sinful nature.
With that said, and here it comes. I don’t believe that those who have not followed Christ are enemies of the Gospel. They are the ones who need to hear the Gospel in its true and relevant form.
The story of Jesus, His birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension.
These folks can not discredit the Gospel. They can not minimize the Gospel. They can not taint the Gospel, by the way they live. They are unbelievers.
It is true that down through time people have hated Christians. Cultures have killed, afflicted, and banned Christians.
These things did nothing to hurt the Gospel. These tactics only strengthened the movement. It ratified the Gospel principles and many were saved because of these persecutions.
When Jesus ministered He encountered constant resistance. It was not from the world ideology. Not from sinners. His resistance came from the religious ideology. The very people who should have known who He was.
The ones who prayed every day, let me live to see the consolation of Israel. The ones who knew all the prophecies concerning the Messiah. These people became His unrelenting enemy.
So what does the Apostle Paul say.
Philippians 3:17-19
17 Brethren, join in following my example, and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us.
18 For many walk, of whom I often told you, and now tell you even weeping, that they are enemies of the cross of Christ,
19 whose end is destruction, whose god is their appetite, and whose glory is in their shame, who set their minds on earthly things.
Paul is not talking about people who don’t follow Christ. He is calling out those who claim to be a Christ follower, yet they will not pick up their cross and follow Him.
They live for self gratification, and self approval by others. Looking for any and all that will appease their fleshly desires for attention.
They reject humility, And the service that God has commissioned all of us to do.
“Tell the Story of Jesus”
The real enemies of the Gospel are those who profess the finished work of the cross. Yet they do not represent it, in the world they live in.
We have been called to be the light of the world. The salt of the earth. Called to walk through deep waters, and soar high above the world and its standards.
The stains on the Gospel don’t come from the world. They come from the flesh driven lives that many who claim to follow Him live. Those who refuse to take up their cross. Those who will not pick up the towel and the pan of water to serve.
It is a process. Doesn’t happen overnight. Revival and awakening will come. It will come like a tidal wave of glory when the church, the church that I love with every fiber of my being. This church, the Bride that Christ loves.
When this church falls on it’s face and repents for its complacency. Its worldly ideology.
When it repents from changing the Gospel to Jesus plus.
Bringing the Gospel back to its original form. Just Jesus.
Let me know what you think. There is an email link at the top of the page.
Be blessed always.
#lovewins #hopelives