Tag: Truth
It’s Not My Opinion
It’s Not My Opinion
I spend a lot of time in sermons, Bible studies, and yes, my blogs addressing opinions within the church world. There are those who criticize that because they believe that everyone has a right to their opinion.
We are talking about the word of God, redemption, eternal life, light of the world stuff.
There are lives hanging in the balance while people in the religious circles are defending their opinion. Attacking those of us who defend the truth of the Gospel. Not by opinion, but by the word of God. Not twisting it to confirm some religious issue. Simply telling the truth.
The truth is that God does not measure the value of someone based on your opinion. He found value in prostitutes, thieves, rebellious folks. He found value in the Jews that He came for, who rejected Him, and the Gentiles that He commissioned Apostolic ministry for.
He found value in children, working people, and slaves. People who had little knowledge of the scriptures that told of Him. People who knew every passage that announced His coming.
He found value in the sick, the diseased, and the oppressed.
The hungry and the poor.
I share all of this to remind us that Jesus loved everyone. He taught us to do the same.
I read something to day from an article on Facebook and I lost it in the feed. I would love to credit the individual because it moved me, and confirmed something that I have preached, and wrote about for years. It is very simple.
This is what was said. “When the church stops talking about Jesus, it has nothing to say.”
Many times our sermons and studies are sprinkled with our opinions. That is a normal thing, to some degree. Everyone shares from personal experience and understanding.
I read a lot. I read doctrine, theological principles. commentaries, and lexicons. All of these are valuable, and they should be used to confirm facts.
I am fully aware that there are things in the Bible that no one really understands. I have heard a number of opinions on end time, after death, and various other references in the Bible. We accept them as the Word of God, and await revelation and understanding as the need presents itself. It will come.
My overwhelming concern is the the telling of the story of Jesus. Our mission to the world is not to build denominational foundations. Walls of doctrinal and theological principles. I love to study and I love all this stuff.
Our mission is to win the lost, and then teach them to win the lost.
It will not be raving against sin that will do this. It will be telling the story of Jesus.
His birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension.
It will not be your opinion that wins them. It will be the love of Christ that overwhelms them.
We must view everyone as if they have value in the eyes of God. Knowing that they do have value, they were made in His image. Everyone has a Divinely appointed destiny.
They are simply waiting for someone to tell them the story of Jesus.
Remember what brought this on today.
“When the church stops talking about Jesus, it has nothing to say.”
Have a great week and be blessed. #inHisname
Everyone has an Opinion
Everyone has an Opinion
The word opinion is defined this way, (a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.)
As anyone knows that has studied the Bible there are some conclusions that can only be defined as an opinion.
Depending on how each theologian, student, teacher, or commentary, understands the principle.
These opinions are formed from many different things. Author, time line, translation. The use of words from the time, and the culture of the people.
In many cases you can actually form a clear understanding, void of opinion, if you look hard enough, and pray for revelation.
Remember this from the Apostle Paul.
2 Corinthians 3:4-6
4 Such confidence we have through Christ toward God.
5 Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God,
6 who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
Still, there are folks who hold fast to their opinions. We all have them, and for the most part they are held by good, sincere people. People who are praying, believing, and loving God, and His word.
I have never been someone to sit back and read, or listen to Biblical principles that have been corrupted by individual opinions, and not address the issue. I speak of Biblical principles that are clearly defined in the Bible.
I am quite sure that there will be someone to read this post and say, that is just his opinion.
I have no problem being accountable for the things I say and teach. There are Biblical principles that I defend with an unrelenting passion.
Unrelenting, (not yielding or swerving in determination or resolution, as of or from opinions, convictions, ambitions, ideals, etc.)
Just thought I would let you know that these issues are not changed by opinions.
There are Biblical principles that are clearly defined. They are not up for yours, or my opinion. These principles are clearly represented and taught by the writers of the Bible.
One such Biblical principle is the Gospel. The Gospel is clearly defined and taught in the Bible. It is not up for opinion, nor can you make it better by adding your personal agendas to it.
Even the world knows what the Gospel means. If you put define Gospel, in the Google search this will come up.
The teaching or revelation of Christ.
Webster defines Gospel this way. The message concerning Christ, the Kingdom of God, and Salvation.
The word Gospel comes from the Greek word, (Evangelion) and it is defined this way by Vines dictionary.
“It denotes the good tidings of the Kingdom of God and salvation through Christ. To be received by faith on the basis of His expiatory death, His burial, resurrection, and ascension.”
The Gospel is the story of Jesus. The good news that the Savior has come.
It has not, nor has it ever been the story of Jesus, plus. Plus your favorite sin, or your personal agenda.
I recently read a post from the Patheos blog. He was talking about missions and the areas where they are needed most.
He shared a sobering truth. One that I have preached for several years. Here it is.
(The kind of missionary the world most desperately needs are missionaries who are sent to introduce the message of Jesus to one of the last unreached people groups: Americanized Christians.)
For years I have wept for the American church and the opinions that have corrupted the message of Jesus. Opinions derived from prejudice, hate, arrogance and pride.
People criticize me all the time for my bluntness when it comes to these issues. Failure to address the corruption of the Gospel is the reason it has continued to grow.
The truth of the Gospel is not open for opinion. It is an irrefutable fact. One that was preached throughout the book of Acts, and throughout generation after generation of Christians.
The Gospel has one purpose. To declare and reveal Jesus Christ as the Son of God. The promised sacrifice for the sins of mankind.
The Gospel is the story of Jesus. His birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension.
This is not up for opinion. It is a fact.
(Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my heart every word. Tell me the story most precious, sweetest that ever was heard.)
Blessings to you always, in His name.
#lovewins #hopelives