Tag: Praise
Not in Vain
Not in Vain
Much is being said today about the church and its influence in the world. Many are expecting a revival in America. I have been praying, along with others for several years, that an awakening would move across this land.
It is needed. People are often confused about revival. Revival is for the church. Of course in great revivals people will come to know Christ as their Savior. Still, it comes, God sends it, when the church is found in repentance for the darkness it has embraced.
When I speak of darkness, I simply mean that often the light of Christ is diminished in the church world. With all the hate filled rhetoric streaming from pulpits. Diving into the politics of the world. Fighting over theology and interpretation.
The only message that will change a heart is shrouded in the darkness of opinion and anger.
Of course this is not true across the board. Even those caught in this web of darkness are good people. Still they move forward with the whims of the majority, and leave behind the most important story from the Bible.
The story of Jesus. His birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension.
I know, if you have read one of my blogs, or one of many Facebook posts, you have heard this before.
I see an awesome change taking place in ministry.
Change is occurring in the message from many pulpits and organizations across this awesome country.
Jesus is alive. He loves everyone. You can not live like you want when you come to Christ. We know that, and teach that.
Over the years I have come to realize that people will change when they know they are loved.
When you convince someone of the great love that God has for them. When they embrace it, things will change. People will repent and turn to follow Christ.
I love the church. Still we must be aware of the influence we embrace. The message we give. The church must be willing to repent.
Repent from such things as growing cold in our praise and prayer. Repent for our lack of forgiveness, and our religious self righteousness.
Repent for rejecting the needs of our community. Even if all you can do is pray. You must shine in the place that God has planted you.
Somehow from the very beginning I moved away from my original thoughts. Still, they have become relevant now.
Over 2000 years the church has weathered every storm. From persecutions, poverty, religion, disease.
It has never been perfect, “only in heart”. Still we move forward in glory at times. At other times in repentance.
With our ups and our downs we keep moving. Shining the light of Christ. The light that reveals His love for us, and our need for Him.
Paul gave the Corinthian church this encouragement.
1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.
I love this stuff.
Have a blessed day and keep on working for the Lord. Some plant, some water, some reap. Everyone has a part in this wonderful movement.
The church of our Lord Jesus Christ.
#lovewins #hopelives