Tag: Love Pastor
Let Them Go
Let Them Go
It has been an awesome week leading up to the Easter weekend. Before I get started with some thoughts that may be controversial to some, I want to wish everyone a blessed weekend.
Betty and I are praying that you find encouragement and strength in what this season represents.
I ran across a picture of some Minions the other day on Facebook. I will share it in this writing because it reminded me of something that all of us have dealt with.
The more you live. The more successful you become. As your ministry or purpose draws attention there will be people who come your way. Some for help and prayer. Others to join with you in your movement.
Still, and I say this from experience. There will be some who come that want to use you and your platform to validate themselves, or worse yet, for a springboard for their own thing.
I know this sounds negative but my goal in this blog is to help others, and share the wisdom that God has granted over the years.
You have to understand. People are people. Overcoming jealousy, arrogance, and pride, and all the other negative traits is a process. For some it takes longer than others.
This last group of people I mentioned will eventually leave you. LET THEM GO!
It is our duty to reach out to people and help them find their way. Understand their purpose and join in unity for the cause of Christ.
What you have to be cautious of are people who want you to be there for them, but they will not be there for you. You don’t hurt them if possible. Let them go.
Paul wrote a one sentence passage to the Corinthian church that has a huge message to us today.
1 Corinthians 15:33
Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
Four Greek words need some attention.
The 1st is the Greek word, Kakos which is translated evil. It means, bad nature, mode of thinking, feeling, and acting.
2nd is the Greek word Homillia, translated communications. It means communion and companionship. 3rd is the Greek word Phtherio, translated corrupt. It means to lead away, to be destroyed, to perish. Lastly, the 4th Greek word Ethos, translated manners.
I find this one interesting. It means custom or character, but it also means dwelling place.
This one passage is telling us that the people we let in our lives, the words we speak, will affect every thing about us. Including the place where Christ lives. That place is us.
I think sometimes that Pastors are most vulnerable to these situations because of our desire to help. Sometimes it is because a Pastor needs help. People with experience. People who you can talk to.
One solution that will help you avoid what will become a negative influence, is prayer. Don’t let what sounds good confuse you. Get alone with the Father and bear witness before you allow someone in your life.
This works for all situations,and all people.
When you find yourself in one of these situations, pray. If you are a leader you will probably have to deal with an uncomfortable situation. Take responsibility, and as best you can, do it in love.
When they go, keep them in your prayers. Don’t be angry or embarrassed. Just keep moving forward. God has an amazing way of making all things right.
Once again I pray you have an amazing Easter weekend. Be blessed and encouraged in your walk with Christ.
#lovewins #hopelives