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Tag: Journey

I love the Journey

August 1, 2017

I Love the Journey

I have spent a lot of time addressing topics that I have issues with. I never shrink away from defending Biblical principles regarding the church. In many of my posts I share the Biblical version of the Gospel. The Gospel is not open for opinion. It is clearly defined as the story of Jesus.

I have wanted to tell a little bit about myself and the journey that God has blessed me to walk. By the way I am praying that there is a lot of journey left.

In prayer I say to the Father often, I have always been in your hands, and will always be in your hands.

With all the mistakes and bad decisions I have made over the course of my life. God has always been with me. Loving, correcting, teaching, and forgiving.

Every life has a purpose. Even when you go off course you still have a purpose. You complicate the process when you move beyond His plan but He will help you move back in line with His will.

I have found myself at an age that I thought would have taken a lot longer to reach. I know that sounds weird, but the years pass so fast. Even faster than I ever imagined.

With that said I feel a greater urgency than ever. I don’t have time to deal with issues and yes, even people that aren’t going where God is taking me. That simply means that their purpose is different than mine. If I can help I will, if they have a word for me I will listen.

I am just saying that I don’t have time to waste.

I love the church, and I love the Gospel. It has been my life since I was 16 years old. I pray for the church every day. The Gospel story is the greatest message that the church has. The story of Jesus will change lives, heal divides, and strengthen relationships.

We live in an awesome season of ministry. Opportunities to change communities, reveal Jesus to the burdened and the hopeless. We have an opportunity like never before.

An opportunity to tear down walls of unbelief. To bring faith and hope to folks who have none. To help these people find their purpose in the Kingdom of God.

There are all sorts of new things, and new ideas to reach into the hearts of those who have yet to follow Christ. I am for everyone that holds true to the Gospel message.

Music can change, I love it. The presentations become more technological. These computer generated ministry helps are awesome. Still, the Gospel message is the only message that can change lives.

I am dedicated to that message. The story of Jesus. His birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Confirm it from the OT. Preach it with passion and Kingdom authority. Allowing everyone, no matter their lifestyle or their depth of sin and failure to hear that amazing story.

Jesus loves them and we must do the same.

My passion is preaching personal responsibility. Our responsibility to be the light and the salt in our world. Reaching beyond walls of division, and digging deep into the darkness that surrounds the lost.

I don’t preach inspirational stories, reminding people of the good old days. When times were different, and the world was so much better.

Make the world better now, if you don’t like it. Move beyond the past, and bring your knowledge and faith in Christ to the world you live in.

Inspiring people to grow and move forward. Forgiving those who have wronged you. Letting go of who you used to be, and become who He has created you to be.

I guess I just can’t help preaching a little bit.

I have a wonderful church family. Faithful and dedicated to the message we share at Amazing Life Church.

My wife Betty is an awesome gift of God. Our kids are such a blessing, and we have friends that we love with all our heart.

When you get a chance you can subscribe to my blog. That way you will be notified when I post something new.

Be prepared. I can get controversial, and I will definitely call out with intense passion, when I hear or read something that corrupts the Gospel.

Tell your story, along with the story of Jesus. It will change lives and change your world.

With a prayer for blessings and favor to all, I will close for now.

Oh, don’t forget, I love this journey. Praying that you love yours. In His Name.

#lovewins #hopelives