Tag: Decisions
Fear of Accountability
Fear of Accountability
Did you ever know someone who just couldn’t make a decision. No matter how hard you pressed they would never say yes or no. Never acknowledge their role in church or anything else.
The fear of making decisions, and acknowledging your purpose is generally tied to the fear of accountability.
I am no therapist. The conclusions I speak of are drawn from life experiences.
Early on in my Christian life I feared taking a position in church. Could I handle it? Was it God’s will? These questions and more arose because I was not yet sure of my role in the Kingdom of God.
I felt His call upon my life, but what did He really want.
With a lot of prayer and support from people who knew more than I did. I began to accept the responsibility of ministry and even the titles that go along with it.
Then that dreaded consequence came. Accountability.
Making mistakes is a given as we walk through life. Decisions made hastily, without prayer and consultation.
Whatever role you have in church, business, and life, there are consequences for the decisions you make. You will likely be held accountable for them.
Pastors and other ministries deal with this everyday. At least those who have accepted their role, and believe that they have a responsibility to their people, along with accountability to them and God as well.
Back to decisions. I want to share a couple of points from the book, “Futuring by Dr. Sam Chand.”
I highly recommend his books. Read everyone you can get your hands on. They are filled with relevant and important information on leadership and the church.
{1st-There are no future decisions. Only present decisions with future consequences.
This helps us connect today with tomorrow.
2nd-Most of today’s problems were yesterday’s decisions.
This helps us slow down in the decision making process.
Finally, Action takes place in the present, but it points towards the future.}
Awesome words from Dr. Sam Chand.
When we take the time to pray, seek counsel. Decisions become far less fearful to make. The fear of accountability will lose its hold on you.
Still there are those who will never acknowledge the role they are in. I will never really understand why.
When God called me to Pastor I have to be honest and admit I was afraid.
After so many years of being a youth leader, associate Pastor, teacher. After helping plant 3 churches in another area, 2 of which still exist. One for more than 30 years. The responsibility for this one was all on me, and my wonderful wife Betty.
What was my fear? It was accountability. Would it work, because I am not from this area? Would people come. Would we be relevant and useful to the community.
I want to be clear on something. Betty and I started Amazing Life Church from scratch. Our first service we had around 13 people. Only one was from another church, and He just came that one time for support.
We did not befriend people all over the county that went to other churches, only to get them to come to ours when we opened.
It was an act of faith. Propped up with courage, and a calling to fulfill God’s purpose for Betty and I, and our community.
God has blessed us with great people over the years. We are in our 14th year. This July will be the 10th year of our back to school bash. To this point we have put 3,800 backpacks in the hands of needy children. Along with school supplies and other items we could obtain.
So the question I asked myself when we felt the call, would we be relevant, was answered. Giving God the glory always.
My final thought is this. With God’s help and grace, Betty and I are accountable to God, ALC, and our community. It is a joy to listen to the voice of God as He directs, and fulfills.
Just so you know what this amazing lady looks like. I have included a picture in this post.
Have a great day. Be blessed as you follow Christ.
#lovewins #hopelives
Before I begin the thoughts I want to share, I just wanted to say that Betty and I pray that everyone had an awesome resurrection Sunday.
This was a special year since the Easter celebration united all Christian faiths. Often the Orthodox church celebrates different days due to the calendar they observe. This year the date fell along with the rest of us. A great season of unity as we rejoiced together.
I want to share some thoughts about decisions. All of us make a number of decisions everyday. Most are just simple life decisions. When do I get up, go to bed, fix dinner, and so on and so on.
I want to talk a little bit about the decisions we make that move us from normal, to extraordinary. Over the course of the next few weeks I will probably address this topic several times.
The decisions we make, in regard to our walk with God are important. More so than we think at times. We must continually be aware of our purpose, and how these decisions will influence it.
Many times our heart will move us to do something. Love and dedication to Christ will guide us in the process.
There are many Biblical examples of these type decisions.
I want to share one of my favorite from the Old Testament. The book of Ruth, to be exact.
You can read it when you get a chance. It goes kind of like this, and I will make it short.
Naomi and her husband, along with her two sons moved to the land of Moab due to a famine in the land. Her husband died after a period of time.
Her two sons took wives from the land of Moab. One married Ruth, and the other married Orpah. After about ten years the sons also died.
Naomi heard that things were better back home so she set herself to go back to her homeland. She kissed her daughters- in-laws, and charged them to go back home to their homeland in Moab.
Here is where normal and extraordinary collided. Orpah chose to go back home. That in itself, doesn’t seem wrong. In reality it wasn’t. It was a normal decision. She had family there, friends, that she could join with again. She would have felt at home.
Ruth on the other hand surprised Naomi by saying she would never leave her. Ruth would go back with Naomi. Naomi’s land, and her God would be Ruth’s.
I love this story.
This was an extraordinary decision. Ruth made the decision to change her life completely. Adopt a different culture, and worship a different God. Learn the ways of Naomi and the God of Israel.
Let me share with you the picture I get from these two decisions. .
Orpah went back home. As I said earlier, that in itself would have been a normal, comfortable decision.
The Babylonian Talmud tells us that God gave Orpah four sons. All four were Giants.
Ruth Married and became the Great Grandmother of David. The David whose house our Lord would come from.
Long before that would occur something else interesting happened.
One of Orpah’s sons was named Goliath. Are you starting to get my point?
Orpah birthed a giant. Ruth became the Great Grandmother of a giant killer.
I love this stuff.
Remember when you walk with Christ, your decisions can have an effect that moves forward, far into the future.
Pray, listen, seek counsel if necessary. Make sure the counsel you seek is from someone who is not afraid of the extraordinary.
I pray that something here has caused you to think. Be blessed in your decisions.
God is bigger in you than you think.
#lovewins #hopelives