Tag: Accountable
One Body
One Body
Well I thought I would address another subject that tends to be used inappropriately. At least it will be my take on the subject.
It seems there is a movement about that suggests that the local church is not relevant.
These ministries often say that we are all members of the same body. This of course is true.
1 Corinthians 12:12-13
12 For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ.
13 For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.
Anybody reading this should understand that this is referring to spiritual alignment with Christ. All Christians are connected in the Spirit to the will and purpose of God. We have to go beyond this and understand that the Apostolic ministry beginning in the book of Acts started building local churches.
Not necessarily structures, but groups of people in given areas that join together to worship the Lord. These people fellowshipped together, prayed together. Helped meet the needs of one another. Most importantly they had oversight.
When a group formed, the Apostles set a Pastor over the congregation. Trained teachers and evangelist to work in and out of the church. All of this Kingdom structure was covered with Apostolic authority. The church was not only accountable to the 5 fold ministry. They were accountable to one another, and to their local communities.
We have been given a commission to change our world. Our country is starving for leadership. There are too many people who want to lead, before they ever learn to follow.
Remember the Apostle John gave us the book of Revelation. It was a letter to seven churches. SEVEN CHURCHES. Six of which Jesus had an issue with. He did not have an issue with the church at Philadelphia.
Just so you know from the Greek. Philadelphia means, “brotherly love” Just had to get that in.
Blessings to you all, in His name. www.visitlivinghope@gmail.com
Fear of Accountability
Fear of Accountability
Did you ever know someone who just couldn’t make a decision. No matter how hard you pressed they would never say yes or no. Never acknowledge their role in church or anything else.
The fear of making decisions, and acknowledging your purpose is generally tied to the fear of accountability.
I am no therapist. The conclusions I speak of are drawn from life experiences.
Early on in my Christian life I feared taking a position in church. Could I handle it? Was it God’s will? These questions and more arose because I was not yet sure of my role in the Kingdom of God.
I felt His call upon my life, but what did He really want.
With a lot of prayer and support from people who knew more than I did. I began to accept the responsibility of ministry and even the titles that go along with it.
Then that dreaded consequence came. Accountability.
Making mistakes is a given as we walk through life. Decisions made hastily, without prayer and consultation.
Whatever role you have in church, business, and life, there are consequences for the decisions you make. You will likely be held accountable for them.
Pastors and other ministries deal with this everyday. At least those who have accepted their role, and believe that they have a responsibility to their people, along with accountability to them and God as well.
Back to decisions. I want to share a couple of points from the book, “Futuring by Dr. Sam Chand.”
I highly recommend his books. Read everyone you can get your hands on. They are filled with relevant and important information on leadership and the church.
{1st-There are no future decisions. Only present decisions with future consequences.
This helps us connect today with tomorrow.
2nd-Most of today’s problems were yesterday’s decisions.
This helps us slow down in the decision making process.
Finally, Action takes place in the present, but it points towards the future.}
Awesome words from Dr. Sam Chand.
When we take the time to pray, seek counsel. Decisions become far less fearful to make. The fear of accountability will lose its hold on you.
Still there are those who will never acknowledge the role they are in. I will never really understand why.
When God called me to Pastor I have to be honest and admit I was afraid.
After so many years of being a youth leader, associate Pastor, teacher. After helping plant 3 churches in another area, 2 of which still exist. One for more than 30 years. The responsibility for this one was all on me, and my wonderful wife Betty.
What was my fear? It was accountability. Would it work, because I am not from this area? Would people come. Would we be relevant and useful to the community.
I want to be clear on something. Betty and I started Amazing Life Church from scratch. Our first service we had around 13 people. Only one was from another church, and He just came that one time for support.
We did not befriend people all over the county that went to other churches, only to get them to come to ours when we opened.
It was an act of faith. Propped up with courage, and a calling to fulfill God’s purpose for Betty and I, and our community.
God has blessed us with great people over the years. We are in our 14th year. This July will be the 10th year of our back to school bash. To this point we have put 3,800 backpacks in the hands of needy children. Along with school supplies and other items we could obtain.
So the question I asked myself when we felt the call, would we be relevant, was answered. Giving God the glory always.
My final thought is this. With God’s help and grace, Betty and I are accountable to God, ALC, and our community. It is a joy to listen to the voice of God as He directs, and fulfills.
Just so you know what this amazing lady looks like. I have included a picture in this post.
Have a great day. Be blessed as you follow Christ.
#lovewins #hopelives
Who’s Accountable to Who?
Who’s Accountable to Who?
This blog has been a work in my mind for several days. Over and over I have written it in my mind since I read a post that disturbed me.
It was really nothing new except it made an insinuation about judging others. The completely misrepresented phrase used in the post was this. If you want a church that doesn’t judge, you must want a church that doesn’t care.
Really what these people are talking about is a couple of social and sexual sins.
Before all you law breathers start breaking open your extensive arsenal of sins, I must make two things clear.
One-What the Bible says is true. If it calls something a sin, that it is.
Secondly, God did not call me to preach death. He called me to preach life.
Here comes my answer to people who think they have the right to judge another. By the way, stop splicing the word. You know full well what you mean when you say it.
Many of these folks who would hold others accountable couldn’t be held accountable with an armored tank brigade.
It is simply a means to ease their conscience by telling others their sins and the penalty assigned. Somehow believing they are the watchman on the wall. I don’t mean to sound so hard but I have learned to measure results. This has never worked well.
I would believe in their sincerity if they would spread this speak the truth in love stuff a little broader. For example. Maybe they should quote Revelation 21:8 occasionally.
“But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
That’s a good one, right?
Or how about Proverbs 6: 16-19.
16 There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:
17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil,
19 A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.
These are very relevant to the condition of the heart, and to the local body.
Once again I would believe that they really cared if they had the courage to address issues that hurt the church and it’s influence in the world.
So, after many days I pray that I have given something of a calm response to a very common issue that people deal with. It is, however a path I moved away from many years ago.
Jesus revealed in John 16 the role of the Holy Spirit.
John 16:8-11 NASB
8 And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment;
9 concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me;
10 and concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father and you no longer see Me;
11 and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.
You see, it is the role of the Holy Spirit to convict. I stopped trying to do His job years ago.
Before I finish I think you need to know what to expect during a visit to Amazing Life Church.
We hold ourselves accountable to you.
Accountable to provide you a safe place to come and hear the awesome story of Jesus. His birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension, is the essence of the Gospel.
We are accountable to you, to share a word that will speak to your heart and to your needs. A word that will quicken the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart about any issues you need help with.
To a more seasoned saint we are accountable to share a word that will enlighten, reveal, and inspire.
Finally, we are accountable to you to be ready to answer questions and concerns. Offering our prayers always, and help as possible.
One more promise. When you come to Amazing life Church, you will not be judged, and we care immensely about your relationship with Christ.
#lovewins #hopelives