Destined for Excellence
Destined Excellence 9 18 16 (PDF download)
September 18, 2016
Amazing Life Church
“Destined for Excellence”
Greet People
I love the Lord. I am so thankful for His amazing grace and His unconditional love. Unlike many in the
American church today I see fields awaiting harvest. The only thing lacking is being watered with the story
of Jesus. It is the life giving ingredient that will activate hunger and hope in every soul that is looking for
purpose. Last week I talked about the destiny of the church. Our role as a collective. A local body and a global collective of churches throughout the world. The destiny of the church is generally the same whether it be in America or in foreign lands. Tell the story of Jesus. Reveal Him to a dying people. Help them find their path of destiny all the while teaching and strengthening them with the Word and the Love of God. Care for the poor, and financial support of the ministry and the church.
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Obviously we can get a lot more specific but these things are pretty well the foundation for the church and it’s reach into the world. Today I want to share some things about personal destiny. Let me establish this from the beginning. I Believe that everyone has a purpose. Yours may be small and seem insignificant but it isn’t. Every purpose is like a stone in the wall of a building. The building won’t look right nor be as strong if a stone is left out. If you have never really understood destiny and what God’s plan for you is let me state this emphatically. You are never too young nor too old to begin your journey of destiny. Even if you knew your purpose but have not walked it out for a while. You can pick back up where you left off when you are ready. “Jonah is a perfect
example.” I want to share some thoughts with you today titled, “Destined for Excellence” I will begin by sharing our example for walking out our destiny.
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Hebrews 12:1-2 NASB
1 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Verse 2 Amplified
looking away from all that will distract us and focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of
faith the first incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity, who for the joy of
accomplishing the goal set before Him endured the cross, disregarding the shame, and sat down at the right
hand of the throne of God revealing His deity, His authority, and the completion of His work. I have to get back to this in a little bit. Sometimes an event will activate your path to destiny. Circumstances that God allowed can often create within you the very dream and purpose that God had designed from the beginning.
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Nehemiah 1:1-4 NASB
1 The words of Nehemiah the son of Hacaliah. Now it happened in the month Chislev, in the twentieth year, while I was in Susa the capitol,
2 that Hanani, one of my brothers, and some men from Judah came; and I asked them concerning the Jews who had escaped and had survived the captivity, and about Jerusalem.
3 They said to me, “The remnant there in the province who survived the captivity are in great distress and reproach, and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its gates are burned with fire.”
4 When I heard these words, I sat down and wept and mourned for days; and I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven. His brokenness created within him a vision of restoration. Nehemiah was in captivity but the favor of God was upon him. He devised a plan and was given the means and the leave to go and rebuild His homeland and
the temple. Preach, “All too often we look at tragic circumstances as the end. We should look at them as the beginning.” Preach Preach
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Destiny is moving forward.
Philippians 3:13 NLT
No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.
Preach-Forget your mistakes, delays, failures, all of your poor me’s. Look forward. Your destiny is not behind you it is in front of you. Fulfilling your purpose will take determination. I mentioned that I would come back to Hebrews 12:2 so let me read it again.
Hebrews 12:2 Amplified
looking away from all that will distract us and focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of faith the first incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity, who for the joy of accomplishing the goal set before Him endured the cross, disregarding the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God revealing His deity, His authority, and the completion of His work.
In Luke I read a passage that greatly interested me.
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Luke 9:51 NASB
When the days were approaching for His ascension, He was determined to go to Jerusalem.
Now when the time was approaching for Him to be taken up to heaven, He was determined to go to Jerusalem to fulfill His purpose.
He wasn’t looking at the process, He was fastened on His destiny. His persecution was the process. Returning to the right hand of the Father a perfect ascended sacrifice for the sins of all mankind was His finished work. His destiny.
What are you focused on? Preach process and destiny.