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There is a Builder

September 21, 2017

There is a Builder

I have never been more encouraged by the changes taking place today, in the American Church.

For too long many have embraced a man centered Gospel. One that makes everyone feel good about themselves. A gospel that is about getting from God, when the Gospel is truly all about giving to God.

We are building churches across the world to benefit people and there needs. Even in desperate situations and unfamiliar cultures the message is still Jesus.

Speakers who say nothing about sacrifice are deceiving their listeners. Causing people to believe that the gospel is about making them feel good. Precious memories that have no relevance to the kingdom living that God has inspired us to live.

I hear and read so many. I suppose that people are sincere.

In an age of itching ears it is demanded by many groups of people. Make us feel good, remember the good old days.

The Gospel is all about giving up who we are, and becoming who He is. Taking on the life of Christ and His heart of giving and sacrifice.

Individually we turn from our past, and turn towards Christ. Changing our lifestyle, and our way of thinking.

Christ is building churches. That is what He commissioned the Apostles to do, and nothing has changed.

When Peter confessed Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God Jesus responded this way.

Matthew 16:18

I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.

Build my church!!!!!

This same work is taking place today. Men and women are moving forward in their communities, cities, and regions to reach people for Jesus.

Sharing the Gospel message. The story of His birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension.

This is who He is. Who our foundation is built upon. Teaching people to move beyond their feel good mentality, and give of themselves to change the world they live in.

He gave us the tools and the authority to build upon the Gospel message. The Christ, the Son of the living God.

Blessing to you all. #inHisname.