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“Enlarge and Extend”

September 18, 2017

Enlarge and Extend

I am one of those folks that believe in seasons. Yes we have 4 seasons in every year of our life. The longer you live you will have many more than that in your relationship with God.

There will be dry spells, then times of refreshing. Revelation, then where’s God at? Tragedies, failures, then healing and victory. Times when things stay the same for a season, then God begins to open the gates of increase.

I come to you, in His name, to share some thoughts titled,“Enlarge and Extend” “Aggrandize”

Aggrandize means, to widen in scope, increase in size or intensity. Enlarge and extend.

There is an awesome Messianic prophesy found in Psalms.

Psalms 110:1-3

1 The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at My right hand
Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.”
2 The Lord will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying, “Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”
3 Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power; In holy array, from the womb of the dawn,
Your youth are to You as the dew.

The whole chapter is just 7 verses read it when you can. I want to deal with verse 2 for just a few minutes.

The Lord will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying, “Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”

I need to deal with some words.

The word stretch, means to stretch out or extend. Strong means to be strong and prevail. Scepter is referring to a staff. The staff is most often represented as a tribe.

I am fixing to unwind because I love this stuff. One more word. Zion.

Isaiah 28:16

Therefore thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone, A costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. He who believes in it will not be disturbed.

Peter reminded his readers of the same passage.

1 Peter 2:6

For this is contained in Scripture: “Behold, I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious corner stone, And he who believes in Him will not be disappointed.”

These passages from the old and the new are confirming the prophetic word of the coming of Christ.

Back to the one more word. Zion.

Psalms 14:7

Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion!
When the Lord restores His captive people, Jacob will rejoice, Israel will be glad.

Zion is the place where God lives.

Psalms 9:11

Sing praises to the Lord, who dwells in Zion; Declare among the peoples His deeds.

We know from study that Zion is a type and shadow of the church. The body of Christ. Jesus, who dwells within us by revelation and power.

I found the definition of the word from the Hebrew very interesting. The Hebrew word, tsee-yone’, is translated Zion, and it means, “parched place.”

Preach, why does God live in a parched place. Where He is there is life, and life in abundance.

Jesus shared this with the woman at the well.

John 4:10

Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”

John 4:13-14

13 Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again;

14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”

So what did Psalms 110:2 say? “The Lord will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying, “Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”

Isaiah 54:1-3 Amplified

1 “Shout for joy, O barren one, she who has not given birth; Break forth into joyful shouting and rejoice, she who has not gone into labor with child! For the spiritual sons of the desolate one will be more numerous Than the sons of the married woman,” says the Lord.

2 “Enlarge the site of your tent [to make room for more children]; Stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, do not spare them; Lengthen your tent ropes And make your pegs (stakes) firm [in the ground].
3 “For you will spread out to the right and to the left;
And your descendants will take possession of nations
And will inhabit deserted cities.

When one season ends, the very next thing is a new beginning.

I love the word aggrandize. It is time for you, and for us, to “widen in scope, increase in size or intensity. Enlarge and extend.”

There is a city, a church,whose builder and maker is God.

#inHisname #hopelives