Let us Pray
Let us Pray
I wanted to share some thoughts today on prayer. The kind of heartfelt prayer that moves the hand of God.
Prayer, prayed in the desert. The dry places of your life.
Prayer prayed in the garden, when you are facing your greatest trial.
Prayer prayed in your secret place, when your heart breaks for a loved one or friend. Helpless to meet their need, and knowing that only God can.
Over the years I have come to believe that prayer and passion must come together. Praying with an urgency. Someone you love needs help.
Praying with much love, for our world and our communities. Praying that God would move in our land, and in our churches. Love moves our hearts to break for the sins of the world. When this happens we must be moved to pray.
Jesus taught us to pray this way.
Matthew 6:9-13
9 “Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.
10 ‘Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
11 ‘Give us this day our daily bread.
12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 ‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’
Before I go further take note of verse 12.
You are asking God to treat you, like you treat others.
Jesus taught us to pray with Kingdom in mind. Pray with Kingdom authority. Prayer that will align us with God’s will.
Not prayer for God to align His will with ours. (Oh, I am sorry, did I say that?)
We should pray with the understanding that we will likely have to wait for the answer. If you have read the Bible you understand that.
With that said, we must be consistent in our prayers. Steadfast in the vision that God has given. Unwavering in faith, and confident that God will answer.
We live in a right now culture. In other words, God I need you to do this right now.
Often we feel discouraged, even let down, if the answer doesn’t come when we want it.
We must understand that God sees every event in our lives. He positions us. Prepares us to fulfill our purpose.
There are times when a need requiring prayer seems urgent. In need of an immediate answer. Someone is sick, facing a serious illness. We pray for healing.
A job is opening up that must be filled in a few days. We pray for God’s favor. Many times these urgent prayers will be answered.
Let me tell you why I believe that occurs. It is my sincere belief that these prayers are piggy backed on the faithful consistent prayers we have prayed every day. I know that seems to be an over simplification.
I believe that God honors our faithfulness to pray. When we are praying broadly, for our world, our region and community. When we pray consistently for God to move in our community. Praying for the harvest of souls. The anointing for ministry.
On and on. The unselfish prayers that we pray for others. The prayers of humility. Giving Him praise for what He has already done. In prayer worshiping Him for who He is.
He is a good God and He loves His children.
He will not always give us what we want.
He will always give us what is best for us. The answer that will move us forward in our purpose. Making a difference in our world.
Paul said this in several of his letters.
We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers.
Take notice of the word always. Remember to always pray. Pray with passion, In Jesus name.
Blessings to you.
#lovewins #hopelives.