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Is It Well With You?

April 11, 2017

Is It Well With You?

Yesterday I ran across a song mix that included words from the old hymn, it is well with my soul. Here is a link to it.

It sort of had a different effect on me. I wept with the assurance that my eyes are on Jesus. It is well with my soul. No matter where you are, or what is taking place keep your eyes on Him

I began to think of all the people who are in a struggle. Some I know of, while there are so many that I do not know. Sometimes those of us who in a season of peace and strength, forget how overwhelming life can be at times.

We must have a soft and willing heart so the Holy Spirit can move in us to intercede. Breaking the chains of addiction and pain that follow people for their entire lives. Breaking it in prayer as our heart is moved for them.

Some people have the strength and courage to resist the enemy reminding and tempting as they walk through life.

Others find themselves caving to the same problems and addictions from the temptation of the enemy.

They are not bad people. It is likely a failure that piles on them from another life event that has developed.

I am no analyst, but I do believe that the Holy Spirit will lead me, and you, as we walk through life to help others.

It is the responsibility of every Christian to pray for our brothers and sisters. Not just those who follow Christ.

Every man and woman on this earth is God’s creation. The church must stop dividing out who is worthy, and embrace everyone with the love of God, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Revealing Jesus to them as the Messiah.

I ask everyone that reads this to join with me in prayer for the hurting, the addicted, and everyone facing life altering tragedies. You don’t have to know them.

Your prayers are powerful in the presence of God. His Spirit will move across this world to heal and reveal.

Just a few short words today from my heart.

Be blessed.

#lovewins #hopelives