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My heart, To Yours

April 3, 2017

My heart, To Yours

I wanted to share some thoughts today about my responsibility as a pastor, and all of our responsibilities as Christians.

There are those who tend to complicate these issues. Wrapping them around theological issues and statements of faith. This approach is ok for those who enjoy the depth of the scriptures and the plan of God for our lives.

I am one of those who digs deeper and deeper as time goes by. Looking at the church fathers and writings from the Apostles who studied and followed the original 12, and throughout over 2000 years of writings from church fathers, desert fathers and so on.

There is so much great stuff available. It is awesome. With that said, the Bible is my heart and my life as I follow Christ. It is knowing Him. The Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Back to my original point. As a Pastor I believe that we all must take on the heart of Jesus. He looked beyond the religious community and their acceptance of people. He offered His love and compassion to everyone He came in contact with.

The world today is raging with controversy. Even in the church world people are divided by boundaries and theology.

Before I go further, I have never been a fan of the reformation. It had to happen, but it created an historical divide in Christianity. At the time there were basically 2 recognized churches. Catholic and Orthodox.

Today, the most recent statistics I could find, tell us that there are over 41,000 different denominations and religious institutions. Many of these are related to each other, still there is too much room for division.

There are many praying in intercession today to tear down these walls of division. Revival is coming. With all my heart I believe it.

The Gospel is simple in nature, yet profound in accomplishment. The story of Jesus, His birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension is the Gospel message. It has changed the lives of millions when delivered in that form. It will continue to do so today.

To take on His heart means I have to care about others. Every Christian has this responsibility.

Not only to care, but we must endeavor to help in what ways we can.

Prayer is the most effective way to join people together, and feel the burden of those who need us.

Prayer softens our heart and moves our will, to His will. It will reveal your purpose and the steps you must take to fulfill it.

One of the things that the Holy Spirit moves in me is a burden for those who are struggling. Often I don’t even know the reason, but when prompted to pray, I do so.

Many times it is a physical drain as intercession cries out from my heart to His.

I want so much to help, yet often I can only pray. God positions healing, and answers as we intercede in prayer.

From feeding thousands and healing the sick. Encouraging the hopeless, and teaching His followers, Christ taught us how to care.

How can we turn our face from the tragedies in this world and call ourselves, followers of Christ.

Start in your local area and begin to pray. The Holy Spirit will open a path for you to follow.

It will lead you to more prayer, and intercession. It may also lead you to someone in need. Be ready. He will test your faith.

I am praying everyday for His love, mercy, and grace to move throughout this world.

Remember this. It moves through us. He loves, through us. Heals, through us. Reveals Himself, through us.

We are the light of the world. We must shine the light of Jesus.

Be blessed this day. In Jesus name I pray.

#lovewins #hopelives