What’s On The Table Today?
Thanks for taking time to Visit Living Hope
As a Pastor I have to prioritize my time. Everyone in ministry, business, or jobs with great responsibility understands this. We choose priorities each day. The things that we need to accomplish to fulfill our responsibilities. Pastors also have to deal with the unexpected events that can happen on a daily basis.
We have an awesome example in Christ of staying focused on His purpose, yet stopping along the way to answer a call of faith or meet a need.
Jesus said in John 4:34 NASB. “Jesus *said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.“
We must understand, as Jesus did, that every thing that comes our way is an opportunity to touch a life for the Kingdom of God.
If there is a tool that should be utilized more than any other it is prayer. Many times our days are ending before we have ever found time to get alone and pray. I dealt with this for many years. I meant to set a time, stop for a while and pray. Something always came up and before I knew it the day was done. Time to rest and start again.
Finally my hunger and thirst for more of Jesus took over. I had to set a time where there was a much smaller chance of interruption. Almost 2 years ago I began to set my alarm for 2:30 am. It wasn’t long before I was waking at 12:30 or 1.
I can say with a huge amount of thanksgiving that this hour or so everyday has changed my life and my ministry.
There is no way to duplicate the effect that prayer has on our lives. The connection with God is strengthened. Revelation becomes clearer and more often. We must not overlook the life and ministry of Jesus. He often found Himself getting alone to pray. It must be our example today.
If we really want to serve our congregations. Fulfill our purpose and do the will of the Father. We must find the time to get alone and pray.
So let me end today with a question. Is there something on the table that can wait, so you can get alone and pray?
Have a blessed day. Full of favor and grace.